Berliner Sparkasse is socially committed and brings people together in Berlin's neighborhoods.

Committed locally: What sets Berliner Sparkasse apart?

For more than 200 years, Berliner Sparkasse has been as much a part of Berlin as the Brandenburg Gate, the Tiergarten park or the famous bluntness of the natives. But what actually distinguishes a savings bank from an ordinary bank?

Berliner Sparkasse: More than just a bank

Online banking, withdrawing money, building wealth with the right investments. Think you can't go far wrong when choosing a bank for life in Germany, because after all, a bank is a bank? Not quite. Berliner Sparkasse – and all savings banks in Germany – are different from other banks.

First and foremost, Berliner Sparkasse is a competent credit institution that, much like other financial institutions, offers its customers needs-based service and advice in all financial matters. Unlike many credit institutions, however, Berliner Sparkasse operates exclusively in Berlin, with more than 2,000 customer advisors. It provides the people of Berlin with accounts and payment transactions as well as with investments, insurance, pension plans and financing. Moreover, savings banks are subject to a public mandate that precludes a purely profit-orientated business model.


For 200 years, for all Berliners

When founded in 1818, Berliner Sparkasse was one of the first savings banks in Germany. The primary intension was to give the poorer people in Berlin the opportunity to save a little money for emergencies and to keep it in a safe place. To this day, it remains the bank that is committed to all Berliners, and it has also made a name for itself as a partner for small and medium-sized businesses in the region.


Community commitment The strength of Berliner Sparkasse's ties with Berlin and its people is demonstrated not only by the largest branch network in the city but also by its diverse social, cultural, sporting and economic commitment in the districts and to Berlin’s people. Berliner Sparkasse regards itself as a neighbour and provides support where help is urgently needed. A large part of the profit Berliner Sparkasse generates flows directly back to Berlin and its people. So if you are a customer of Berliner Sparkasse, you not only benefit from competent service when it comes to everyday or special banking transactions, but you are also supporting the social commitment of Berliner Sparkasse. In 2020, more than €4.5 million were spent on around 600 different projects in the region – from a swing on the neighbourhood playground and sports jerseys for the football club to trees for a better environment and Christmas parcels for the homeless.


Together for a diverse Berlin

Together we are always stronger. Berliner Sparkasse is well aware of this and has joined forces with other major Berlin institutions to pool their commitments and support even more Berliners.

The Komische Oper

The Komische Oper Berlin and Berliner Sparkasse are jointly committed above all to cultural diversity in Berlin. Children are particularly close to their hearts. Every year the Singalong project takes place, in which primary school children from socially deprived districts of the city have the opportunity to try themselves out musically and to experience the magic of music and theatre.

Over the course of several weeks, a musical program is rehearsed with the children, who then perform it together at the Singalong. For many children this is a unique experience and their first point of contact with real opera – and perhaps the realisation, „Music is fun for me. I'm good at it. I want to pursue that.“

Children celebrate at the Komische Oper Berlin

Berlin Zoological Garden: Getting to know and understand animals and the environment

Berliner Sparkasse has a very special project associated with the Berlin Zoological Garden. In the Zoo School, school classes and children learn what animals can be found around the world, what influence humans have on the environment and how to deal with it more consciously. 50 different guided tours are offered for school classes and families. Up to 35,000 children and adults visit the Berlin Zoo School every year.

Jungfüchse Berlin: Sport promotion for the talents of tomorrow

Berliner Sparkasse is a partner of Jungfüchse Berlin, which is the junior team of Füchse Berlin – the number-one handball club in the capital. But it is not just the promotion of tomorrow's sportsmen and sportswomen that is important to Berliner Sparkasse; they want to foster grassroots sport as well and to teach more children and young people the joy of exercise. To this end, they also partner with the Sports Federation of Berlin. The joint project Berlin has Talent not only teaches exercise and sport in the participating schools but also incorporates the search for talent for the top leagues of the future.

Free University of Berlin: A partner for the Berlin economy

The Free University of Berlin (FU Berlin) is one of the largest universities in Germany. It has a long-standing cooperation with Berliner Sparkasse. Together, they intend not only to strengthen Berlin as a business location but above all to enable young entrepreneurs and start-ups to launch in the free economy, providing them with competent support.

Museum of Natural History: Imparting knowledge through vibrant learning

The Museum of Natural History is probably one of the most spectacular museums of its kind. 

A family admires a dinosaur skeleton at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin

Under the motto „Knowledge creates insight“, Berliner Sparkasse supports the museum in its efforts to make science and research on natural science topics accessible to broad segments of the population. The joint projects include various event formats and podcasts for children and adults. The podcast „Beats & Bones“ recently won the German audiobook award.


The foundations of Berliner Sparkasse

With its three foundations, Berliner Sparkasse is committed to equal opportunities for all segments of the population, is involved in medical research and promotes exchange in art and culture.

Berliner Sparkasse Foundation – by citizens for Berlin

For ten years now, the Berliner Sparkasse Foundation has been working to ensure that Berlin is a colourful, diverse and liveable city for all Berliners. It mainly supports projects that are beneficial to many people and are of great importance for the sense of community in a neighbourhood.

A woman and her child at a paediatrician in Berlin.

Berliner Sparkassenstiftung Medizin

This is the oldest foundation of Berliner Sparkasse. For more than 30 years, Berliner Sparkassenstiftung Medizin has been working to support medical research and healthcare. In close cooperation with the Charité Berlin, the foundation currently focuses on the field of rare diseases.

Brandenburg Gate Foundation

The Brandenburg Gate Foundation is the cultural foundation of Berliner Sparkasse. Its aim is to highlight and strengthen the importance of culture for civil society – via exhibitions, arts education, cultural debates and the promotion of artists, authors and culture. The foundation was established in 2000 and is located right at the Brandenburg Gate in the rebuilt residence of the artist Max Liebermann.


How you can support the commitment of Berliner Sparkasse

Deposit and win: Your raffle ticket for a lively Berlin

The savings bank lottery „PS-Sparen und Gewinnen“ („PS Saving and Winning“) has enjoyed great popularity for over 60 years. And not without reason, because there are only winners here. 25 cents from each ticket will go to charitable and social projects in Berlin. The more raffle tickets are bought, the more projects can be supported. Give your support!


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